Monday 30 July 2012

Keeping Your Senior Dog Happy in Old Age

As the years go by, you’ll come to find that your dog isn’t as limber as he used to be. With age, he won’t be as excitable as a young pup, but that doesn’t mean you should stop physical activity with him altogether. There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to dog wellness as your pet enters his golden years. Take the following tips into account to keep your old pal happy, active and comfortable. Teach your dog new tricks. It’s often said that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but have you ever tried? These animals are remarkably intelligent, even in old age. Just as it goes with people, mental stimulation is crucial to maintain cognitive function, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. To make sure your dog is just as sharp as he was as a puppy, teach him new tricks. Play new games with him to give his mind a little exercise.

Be mindful of your furry friend’s body. Just as it is with humans, elderly dogs go through changes with age that make them more susceptible to alterations in their environment, according to NPR. “They’re really like older people,” veterinary behaviorist Nicholas Dodman told the news source. “Older people are often the ones who are the victims of these freezing bouts or extremes of heat. They’re less able to thermoregulate. So we have to take account of that by making sure they have some kind of blanket-like coat or contraption on to keep them warm and not keep them out so long in cold weather. “To make sure your dog stays comfortable in old age, keep these factors in mind.

Take healthy preventative measures. Exercise and diet can help keep your dog happy and healthy for longer. Consider incorporating Hartz® Precision Nutrition™ Senior Dog Multivitamins and Hartz® Joint Care™ for Dogs into your pet’s routine to keep him active and happy over time. These will make sure your pet is still getting the nutrients he needs to age gracefully.Don’t skimp on walks and playtime with your dog as well – just because he’s older doesn’t mean he won’t enjoy going for an invigorating run! Keeping your pet active will also help reduce the risk of obesity and other health problems that may come with old age.

How do you ensure your senior companion is happy and healthy? This content is provided by the pet grooming experts at Hartz. Our professional staff is here to keep you educated on the proper grooming techniques while offering tips to keep your pet happy and healthy.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Understanding Your Cat Through Body Language

Cats are often inscrutable. The poet T.S. Eliot – a devoted cat lover who published more than a few lines of verse about his various feline companions over the years – once remarked in a poem that “You now have learned enough to see / That Cats are much like you and me.” Most cat owners probably couldn’t agree more, but would have to confess that just because they see themselves in their pets doesn’t mean they understand those kitties any better than the rest of us.

We generally know when a cat is hungry, curious, playful, yearning, tired and scared – but what does a flick of the tail mean, or an arching of the back? What do they really try to communicate by rubbing against your leg? The language of cats is all written in their slinky bodies – so here are some tips for decoding it.
  1. The Ears. Just as with dogs, a cat relies heavily on its ears for sensory input. A relaxed cat will have its ears at the usual angle of slightly-to-the side, while a cat suddenly alert or curious will perk its ears straight up – catnip might do this. Twitching ears may indicate fear or nervousness. Ears that are laid flat against the back of the head are a classic sign of anger and aggression common to all cats, from the house tabby to a wild panther.
  2. The Eyes. Cats have expressive eyes, especially if you pay close attention to pupil dilation. A relaxed or extremely happy cat purring on your lap will half-close or even entirely shut its eyes. According to Pet WebMD, to close one’s eyes in the presence of another is the ultimate sign of trust. A cat that is frightened or angry will stare intensely. Cats respond to human eye contact similarly and may flee when glared at by someone they’re not accustomed to. Blinking slowly at your cat lets your feline friend you are aware of his or her presence and pose no threat
  3. The Body. We all know the physical sensation of a usually stiff and tense cat melting into our lap. When a cat is happy, it relaxes all its muscles and encourages petting. But be careful when a cat rolls onto its back and exposes its stomach – while this is a sign of affection and submissiveness in dogs, the same is not always true of a cat. Likewise, when a cat arches its back and fluffs up its fur (that iconic Halloween silhouette) it’s best to leave it be
Cats are a nuanced group of animals, and there is a multitude of ways to read a simple tail movement – generally, up means friendly, while down means anything from curious to irritate. But perhaps it’s this ambiguity that makes us love them so much. Like humans, cats are complicated

The Paws. According to the ASPCA a cats paws can tell you a lot about their mood. When your cat is kneading they are very content. A stroking paw is their way of giving you a hug, saying “I love you!” If your kitty is giving you some paw nagging they want you to speed things up

This article is brought to you by the pet behavior experts at Hartz. When it comes to training your dog and cat, our knowledge and experience is guaranteed to make the process easy, smooth and fun!

How does your cat show what he/she is thinking?

Thursday 19 July 2012

Kitten Rescued From Engine of Running Mercedes

One kitten from Brooklyn, New York, is a very lucky feline thanks to the quick work of Antonio M. Rosario, a professional photographer.

According to the Huffington Post, Rosario was driving with his wife when he came up alongside a Mercedes S550 that was missing its left front turn signal light. To Rosario’s astonishment, he noticed a small kitten’s head sticking out of the side of the vehicle and he quickly sprang into action to get the other driver’s attention. After the driver stopped, Rosario realized that he didn’t know how to open the car’s hood. “I can see the kitten sitting inside the housing where the turn signal lamp should be,” Rosario told the news source. “She’s staring at me and I reach in to grab her and she disappears further into the engine.”

By this time, a small crowd of people had gathered as they tried in earnest to get the feline out of the car. Unfortunately, both the driver of the car and the group of people did not know how to open the hood, so there was a distinct possibility that the heat of the engine could be a serious danger. Eventually, the group was able to get the hood open and then started the next task of luring the cat out of the engine block.

According to, Rosario took a piece of his wife’s breakfast scone and the kitten eventually poked her head out and dropped out of the tiny hole in the side of the engine. Rosario and his wife drove the cat straight to the vet, where she was found to be in good health, albeit with a minor case of worms.

After such an incredible experience, Rosario knew that he had to adopt the courageous cat, and he decided to name her “Mercedes” or “Mercy” for short. She is slowly but surely getting adjusted to the Rosario household, and her new six-year-old feline housemates, Hank and Eddie. Since her rescue, Mercy has become a bit of an internet sensation, as Rosario has been tracking her progress on his blog as people from around the world check in on the little cat. Thanks to quick thinking on the part of Rosario and his good heart, Mercy has a new lease on life and a wonderful new home to call her own.

For more information on Hartz flea Control products for cats and dogs, logon to

Monday 16 July 2012

3 Dog Sitting Tips to Help You Care for a Friend’s Pet

It’s the season for vacations and weekend getaways. You might have a friend or a family member who has recently asked you to take care of his or her furry companion while they are away on a trip. While you may be thrilled at the prospect of having a dog around for a few days, there is a certain amount of care and attention that must go into taking care of a pet. Here are some tips on how to dog sit for your loved one and ensure that everything goes smoothly:
Learn the routine: Every pet owner will likely tell you that his or her dog is used to a certain routine when it comes to everything from eating to walking. reports that routines are part of what makes dogs tick. That being said, it’s important that you familiarize yourself with your temporary pet’s routine before you bring him home. Doing so can help you make sure the dog is comfortable in his new surroundings.

Treat your pets for fleas: If you have a cat or a dog at home and you intend on bringing in a new animal, it’s a good idea to treat your pets for fleas and ticks before introducing the other dog to your home. Make sure the visiting pet is protected as well.

Bring home familiar toys and treats: To make sure your friend or family member’s pet has a good time while away on his own little vacation, bring along his toys and treats from home to create a familiar environment.

In the end, taking these tips into consideration can make sure that your dog sitting arrangement goes smoothly. What other tips would you add to this list?

For more information on Hartz flea Control products for cats and dogs, logon to


Tuesday 10 July 2012

Five Ways Dogs Can Benefit Your Health

What’s better than having an amazing friend who’s always excited to see you, doesn’t argue about what to watch on TV, and loves you unconditionally? That amazing friend also happens to be a health booster, and not just because he forces you to go for a walk twice a day. Over the ages studies have observed how pets help lower blood pressure, ease stress, and lessen anxiety in owners. According to WebMD, pets help lower blood pressure, lessen anxiety, boost immunity, and can even help you get dates! It may sound too good to be true, but it’s not. Consider these five great reasons why dogs in particular can help improve and maintain your good health.

1. Routine. Dogs provide their owners with a consistent friendly presence, but they also give regularity to our lives, from morning and evening walks to meals and grooming. Caring for a four-legged friend reinforces a kind of responsibility that engenders comfortable familiarity – the right kind of routine – in our lives. The stabilizing effect is cumulative and can help lower anxiety in everyone from children to the elderly.

2. Play. Games and fun are essential parts of human nature, though we tend to leave them behind as we grow older. Dogs are there to remind us of the importance of play. A game of catch, tag (your dog will probably win), or just a tussle on the floor can be a hugely rejuvenating experience. You won’t necessarily feel like a kid again, – you’ll just feel more like yourself.

3. Immunities boost. Medical studies have shown the potential boosts that growing up with dogs can give to children’s resistance to allergies and asthma. Dogs don’t keep clean the way humans do, so kids growing up in a pet-friendly environment will have harmless but important exposure to bacteria that they might not otherwise get, which might end up helping them somewhere down the line. According to ABC News, owning a dog may even lessen your kids’ chances of getting the common cold!

4. Love. To owners, this may seem like a given, but to potential owners, it cannot be stressed enough. Dogs provide love and devotion that is both unqualified and unconditional. That sort of appreciation is impossible to overestimate.

5. Relationships. Be it a question about breed or behavior, dogs can be a natural conversation starter and can help many people ease out of social isolation or shyness. Fellow animal lovers will be sure to notice you and your companion!
Picking the right dog is an important part of pet adoption. Those with busier schedules or limited capability for play and exercise will want smaller breeds, like Pugs, that require fewer walks. Folks fond of the outdoors will want a dog eager to climb, jump, and swim – like the Labrador retriever. Find the dog that’s best for you and start feeling great – it’ll take no time at all.

This content is provided by the pet wellness experts at Hartz. We know that adopting a dog or cat is a huge commitment, so we’re here to help you feel confident and become the best pet parent you can be.

For more information on Hartz flea Control products for cats and dogs, logon to