Thursday 5 January 2012

Dog Groomers Can Help Spot Flea Problems Before They Spread

In the warmer parts of the United States and even in the milder areas of the country, fleas are still a huge problem. As the winter frost sets in, many of these pesky critters move indoors and are much more aggressive at this time of year. While keeping up with your flea prevention products is wise during the winter, taking a regular trip to the dog groomer can improve your dog's overall well-being, and he may be able to spot the initial signs of a flea infestation, so you can act accordingly.

Many dog groomers know the tell-tale signs of an infestation, and can spot fleas, eggs, larvae and their leftover filth as soon as they begin washing your pooch. Additionally, a groomer may also be able to notice flea bites, which can only be found at the skin level and could be a sign of a bigger problem in your household. Most professionals also have flea shampoo and other anti-flea products that will begin the process of eliminating these insects, so making an appointment is a wise choice for any pet owner during the winter.

A groomer's helpful eye could also come in handy to find any hot spots or signs of dry skin that may be apparent. This could be an indicator of allergies, poor nutrition and countless other factors that a trained eye can pick out. Simply put, grooming is a necessary factor in your canine's overall health, and it comes with its own unique benefits.

Of course, you don't want to deal with the embarrassment of bringing a flea-ridden pooch to your local groomer, so be sure to keep up with your monthly flea treatments. Hartz UltraGuard Pro Flea and Tick Drops are applied at the skin level in between your dog's shoulder blades and dispensed down the length of his back to the tail. This will kill fleas at any stage of their life cycle, as well as ticks and mosquitoes on contact for up to 30 days. This simple procedure will spare your four-legged friend and your home from the risk of a flea infestation.

Visiting your groomer can be a worthy complement to your flea care, and it could be a crucial step in spotting and eliminating fleas and their larvae before they have a chance to spread to the rest of your home.

For more information on Hartz Flea Control products for cats and dogs, logon to

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